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It’s important! Liability insurance of the Protection Agency and responsibility for security

Liability insurance ubezpieczenie oc agencji ochrony تأمين المسؤولية

Everyone should take responsibility for their work and its effects. For some, this is a true sentence, consistent with reality. We don’t even consider the hypothesis that it could be false. Remember, however, that we do not live in a utopian world. Polish reality, when it comes to the operation of security companies, may surprise you. It will not be a pleasant surprise.

How does the liability insurance of the Protection Agency work? In our world, is it really everyone who takes responsibility for their work and its effects? That’s what you need to know!


Not everyone takes the same responsibility: liability insurance of the Protection Agency

Responsibility is one of the moral duties, the awareness of which we acquire with the passage of subsequent years spent in society. It would therefore seem that every adult is fully responsible for his or her own actions or for the improper fulfillment of obligations towards a third party. The reality in security agencies may surprise you. Below, we will explain to you an important issue that may affect your decision to use the services of a specific company.

Each of us knows how third party liability insurance works. An employee or entrepreneur who has such a policy is assured that compensation in the event of damage or omission during his business will be paid by the insurer. Remember that the liability insurance of the Protection Agency covers not only damages, but also the risk associated with the business.

It’s important! Payment of compensation under the civil liability insurance of the Protection Agency is possible in the event of improper activity, non-performance or improper fulfillment of professional duties. What does this mean for you as a security agency?


Compulsory liability insurance of the Protection Agency: is this a paradox?

In 2013, there was an amendment to the Act of 22 August 1997 on the protection of persons and property (Journal of Laws of 1997 No. 114, item 740). The new regulations imposed the obligation to purchase third party liability insurance by companies that want to acquire a concession for personal and property protection services. From the perspective of a person who benefits from the offer of a company with a policy, this is a huge advantage. It might seem that the liability insurance of the Protection Agency guarantees the receipt of compensation or reparation in the event of theft, burglary, acts of vandalism.

However, there is a certain catch. We come to a paradoxical situation. You have been the victim of theft or burglary. You incur losses. Without a shadow of a doubt, your business is at a disadvantage. Still, you won’t get compensation. Why? Does the compulsory liability insurance of the Protection Agency pose a risk of non-compensation for the damage suffered? As we mentioned, we do not live in a utopian world.


How does the liability insurance contract of the Protection Agency affect the solvency of compensation? 

When you sign a contract with a security agency, you set the rules of cooperation. The safety agency clearly indicates what it will do for you to minimize the risk of losses resulting from theft or burglary. Among such activities may appear: appropriate setting of cameras, monitoring of the area indicated by you, arrival of an intervention group at the scene of the incident, activation of the alarm system.

The liability insurance of the Protection Agency clearly indicates that theoretically, in the case of proper implementation of all these activities, there is no obligation to pay compensation. You have suffered real losses as a result of theft, and suddenly it turns out that no one takes responsibility for it. After all, the liability insurance of the Protection Agency does not cover such situations.

This is clearly indicated by the provisions in the PZU GTC regarding the subject and scope of insurance. According to § 5 points 2-3, insurance covers damage resulting from:

  • tort or delict within the limits of statutory liability, or
  • non-performance or improper performance of an obligation.
  • The insurance also covers any damage caused as a result of gross negligence.


More and more burglaries and accidents on construction sites and less responsibility of the Security Agency

Year by year, the number of burglaries and thefts is increasing. According to the statistics of the Police Headquarters, in 2020 there were 74,000 such events. For comparison, a year earlier there were 69,000 of them1.

What can be associated with a lack of protection? The Gniezno police issued a special statement in which they informed about the burglary of two construction sites on the night of January 3-4, 2021.

During these events, construction equipment worth PLN 25,000 was stolen. What’s more, the owner of the neighboring plot suffered losses worth almost PLN 6,000. In this case, construction equipment also fell victim. The police recommend the use of monitoring and an alarm system. It turns out, however, that the protection does not guarantee 100% security and possible recovery of the value of stolen items.

Already at the beginning of 2021, there was some information about the intensification of thefts and burglaries at the construction site. Remember that even a property secured in containers is at risk of theft. An example could be the event that took place in June 2021 in Zawiercie.

At the construction site, there was a watchman from a traditional security agency. Despite this fact, thieves broke into several containers at the back of the construction site. During this event, power tools were stolen of a total estimated value of PLN 70,000! If the owner of the construction site used the SOVA system, this situation could be avoided.

Our intelligent surveillance systems would be able to detect the presence of third parties. The SGU operator would issue a voice message adequate to the situation, and if this did not help, an intervention group would appear on the spot. Bet on PREVENTION and eliminate the risk of losses!

Accidents on construction sites also constitute a big problem. In the first quarter of 2021, there were 572 people injured in accidents2.

Note that among victims, there were 8 fatalities and 10 people with severe injuries. For comparison, in 2020 there were 39 fatal accidents, and most of them took place in the second quarter of3 the year. What awaits us in 2021?


How to prevent burglaries and accidents on the construction site?

Let’s ask ourselves: why do we hire a protection agency? The answer is simple: to gain the security of life and health and to avoid theft. When the protection company is not responsible for the damage, you start to get frustrated. What to do, so that the liability insurance of the Security Agency does not thwart your plans? The answer may lie in the vision protection at SGU.


SGU – we are ready to accept full responsibility!

Liability insurance of the Protection Agency sometimes leads to bizarre situations. Theft, despite the fulfillment of all obligations by the security agency, clearly indicates: insufficient security. It turns out that it does not matter, and so you have to pay for the professional activities of security, and you will not receive any compensation.

If you want to avoid such situations, you can use the SGU offer. Check the offer: Visual security!

Our company cooperates with customers on the basis of an effect agreement. We take full responsibility for the safety of life, health and property. The liability insurance of the Protection Agency does not threaten your interests in this case. We care about the effectiveness of our activities.

Our Video Audio Protection System (SOVA) guarantees round-the-clock video protection of the area selected by the Customer. When an emergency situation arises, the VIKI system signals the Operator about it. At this point, he or she decides to issue a voice message, tailored to the emergency situation and/or physical intervention.

We will also help you take care of the safety of life and health. The modern VIKI system is able to detect any activity that does not comply with applicable regulations.

Want to try SGU services first?

We focus on prevention, including avoiding situations of immediate threat. Are you interested in our offer? Contact us! You can also try our services for 30 days for only 1 PLN. If you do not decide to continue cooperation, we will ask you to fill in a short Exit Interview form. It contains fields in which you can enter your comments on what we could change. Thanks to this, we can become better and adapt services to the needs of the market.

Contact us!

1 Police Headquarters, STatystyka Police. Theft with burglary, as of: 08.03.2021 year,,Kradziez-z-wlamaniem.html

2 Central Static Office, Accidents at work in the first quarter of 2021 – preliminary data, Warsaw, Gdańsk 10.06.2021, accessed:, 3,43.html

3 Ibid.

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