The undeniable fact is that our company is atypical in every aspect.
Taking into account the dynamics of change, management style, or the atmosphere at work, everyone says it is different with us. This makes SGU a place where work related challenges become a real development impulse for our employees.
It is worth underlining that our “lifestyle” supports “specific sense of humour” which strongly coincides with the belief that we can (by acting not pretending) influence our own and other people’s lives. We work to actually bring about change every day. We are definitely not “pretenders of the battlefield”, we truly want to leave a mark on human relationships, because what we do concerns people and their property, and their safety is of key importance to us.
Our organizational culture is defined by several elements:
Emphasis on development
Development is our goal. We are better than we were 6 months ago, and in 6 months we will be better than we are today. We drive each other to action and motivate each other to develop.
How do we support it at SGU?
● each employee can participate in industry related training paid for by the organization ● each employee has regular meeting with their leader as an element of development ● we meet every month and exchange what we have learned
- How to recognize if you can fit us?
- You don’t like standard, well-discovered solutions
- You set the bar high for yourself
- “A change of decision proves a continuity of command” – you don’t mind it 😉
- You are critical of yourself and you know there is still a lot you need to learn
- You want to change and learn from the best
- You don’t limit your professional development to just your working hours
- You accept that “the only constant thing in business is… change”
- You are honest and authentic
- You do not fit us if:
- You do not like changes, you would rather act on standard, well-discovered solutions
- You panic when something does not fit your current patterns
- You don’t think you need to change or develop
- You believe that professional development outside work is a waste of time
- Your image is more important to you than being honest and authentic
Responsibility for the company and what we do
We treat the company as ours, something we are a part of. In line with extreme leadership, we are happy to take matters in our own hands and we are not afraid to take responsibility for what we do. We act proactively, not waiting for instructions. What counts for us is the effect, cooperation, and getting things done.
How do we support it at SGU?
● We do everything to learn from our mistakes, analysing them to develop on their basis ● We reward new and successful ideas
- How to recognize if you can fit us?
- You are not looking for a reason, but a method – you prefer to act rather than complain
- You do not wait for instructions – you act
- You keep your promises
- When something does not suit you, you change it – you are not in it whining
- You accept failure on your way, and you treat problems as challenges
- You are able to motivate yourself and to stay effective without supervision
- You do not fit us if:
- You only do what you are told
- You prefer to pretend, you accept what seems inappropriate or inconvenient just for your peace of mind
- Work is just a way of earning money for you, and your “real life” is outside work
- You are afraid to make mistakes
- You cannot admit failure
- You want to be with us “only for a moment”
- When you see a mistake, the first thing you do is to find someone to blame
TEAM EXTREME - mutual help and support
Every bus needs all wheels to run. Helping others in the organization is obvious to us. We do not compete for “employee of the year” title. We like spending time and working together.
How do we support it at SGU?
● Each employee can receive a financial support in a difficult situation ● We do not run statistics for “employee of the year” 🙂 – everyone is important and contributes to SGU
- How to recognize if you can fit us?
- You would rather cooperate than compete
- You are at ease asking others for help
- You like to have people around you that you trust, you can rely on, and you get on well
- Giving or asking help is not a nightmare to you
- It’s easier for you to judge others well than yourself
- You do not fi us if:
- You are the center of the world and you like to shine among others
- Asking for help is below you, even if you need it
- You have a tendency to take merits
- You have a feeling of being better than others
Radical honesty and benevolent provocativeness
Being provocative makes us think, it encourages us to take action, and radical honest helps us grow. We have a very specific way of communicating – nice and pugnacious at the same time, it requires distance to oneself and a sense of humour.
How do we support it at SGU?
● Job titles and positions in communication are not our cup of tea ● We communicate “by name” in the meetings ● A joke accompanies us every day, despite considerable challenges and responsibilities
- How to recognize if you can fit us?
- Diplomacy is not for you, you prefer honesty
- Fake is fake for you and that’s about it
- You want to be among people to whom you can tell what you think, even about difficult things
- Criticism is not an insult to you, you are not afraid to accept it
- You have a sense of humour, you can laugh at yourself, and you are not afraid to kindly joke with your colleagues
- You do not fi us if:
- Diplomacy is your foundation, and you believe that honesty does not always pay off
- You take criticism as an attack on for you, and you reject feedback
- You do not distance yourself, and jokes about you irritate you
- You are official, radical, and you think there is no room for looseness at work, you are so “dignified”
- When you hear a swear word you turn red and leave the room
A few key principles of our company
- The people who create our company are our greatest advantage on the market
- An employee’s salary is sacred, and it must always be on time
- Vacation means vacation – we never bother employees without “fatal fire”
- Being late will always meam being late – it pays off to be ahead of time. If we respect each other then we also respect each other time. Delays can be unpredictable, but it is always worth giving a heads up.
- We appreciate radical honesty and we help each other solve problems – leave upon request or online sick leave are both legal 😊, however we take it as a “curve ball” for everyone else in the company.