Video protection – full information and guarantee of result

We guarantee result

in the name of rules

Why Us?

AspectsStorm Gray UnitThe Other Agencies
I. Responsibility and Prices
1. When security agency will pay for damage?ALWAYSOnly in the cases when an intrusion signal is received
2. What is the amount of third party liability insurance?100 million PLN
(the highest in Poland)
10 million PLN
II. Work of the Video Security Equipment
1. How long has the camera material been recorded?1825 days (5 years)30 days
2. How many users can be logged at the same time into the application that provides camera image previews?No limit5 users (application from cameras producer)
III. Security System Logistics
1. How long is the waiting time for system installation?Up 2 days15-20 days
2. How long does the video monitoring system operate without access to 230V power supply from the client?10 days1 day


“In the eBook, I explain some truly masterful records that are a masterpiece of avoiding responsibility.
It is worth reading. Once is enough to make the facts unforgettable.”

~ Dariusz Tylka



years of experience
SOVA on-line systems
active live VIDEO cameras
(thermal imaging camera: 562 ,
PTZ: 347)
third party insurance of the company


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